Transforming Covid-19 Challenges into Opportunities: Preparing for the new normal in Indonesia - Zero One Technology

Transforming Covid-19 Challenges into Opportunities: Preparing for the new normal in Indonesia

PPI UK Talks 7 : PPI UK x Zero One – Preparing for a Tech Sector Career in Indonesia’s “New Normal”

Zero One Group collaborated with PPI UK during the COVID-19 period in a webinar discussing “Preparing for Indonesia’s New Normal” back in 2020. 

This webinar was divided into 3 parts with different speakers and topics, all still related to the impact and costs of the COVID-19 pandemic on the technology sector and careers in Indonesia. 

Ardhito discussed important aspects of business, especially timing. Meanwhile, Nanis highlighted the importance of using software and other tech tools when working during the adaptation period of the new normal. Not only that, Anthony also introduced the concept of agility, which is also applied in Zero One Group.

In the new normal era, where many people have to adapt to everything, technical skills may be more in demand than interpersonal skills. Creating a positive work environment and maintaining relationships with others may help improve productivity even further.

You can watch the video here:


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