Zero One Group Newsletter #7 - Zero One Technology

Zero One Group Newsletter #7

By Joanna N., Business Development Associate at Zero One Group

February flew by real quick. While it was a short month, we witnessed a lot of developments on a global scale — and this newsletter is here to talk about three of them.

We picked some thought-provoking topics this month, so buckle up and let’s get into it!

Clubhouse — a case of “They grow up so fast”

The frenzy behind the current hottest app straight out of Silicon Valley.

Clubhouse on the App Store | Business Insider

Clubhouse, an iOS-exclusive, invitation-only social audio app, has been facing a surge in popularity as of late. The app has attracted over 10 million users in its 11-month lifespan, setting off a mad dash among investors, who have valued the company at $1 billion.

The appeal lies with Clubhouse’s core technological innovation — facilitating the real-time exchange of ideas through live, auditory experiences for any type of audience. This app’s key selling point is also the cause of its own growing pains.

Follow-up events:

The Role of Big Tech in the 2021 Myanmar Coup

Should Big Tech do more to prevent extreme events like this from occurring?

Barricades have been put up on some streets in Yangon to prevent the passage of security forces. | Nikkei

Facebook said it banned all remaining accounts linked to the Myanmar military on Thursday, citing the junta’s use of deadly force against anti-coup demonstrators.

The platform admitted that it failed to do enough to prevent the incitement of violence in Myanmar back in 2018, a year after a military-backed crackdown forced 750,000 Rohingya Muslims to flee the country.

The junta has imposed nightly internet blackouts and banned social media platforms, including Facebook, to bring the protests to a heel.

Follow-up events:

Microsoft to Establish First Datacenter Region in Indonesia

Big news for the country that is lagging behind in tech infrastructure.

Microsoft has announced the establishment of its first data centre region in Indonesia, as part of its Berdayakan Ekonomi Digital Indonesia initiative.

The details of when and where the datacenter will be built remain hazy, but what is clear is that Indonesia will join the world’s largest cloud infrastructure (Azure) with over 60 datacenter regions announced to date.

Follow-up events:

And that’s a wrap on our February newsletter! We hope this month’s news bites were as interesting to you as they were to us.

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